At the beginning of the day today, I didn't realize that it was Friday. My internal clock has been thrown off all week. It wasn't until later in the day that I finally realized that it was in fact, the last day of VBS. But i'll get to that sob story later. This morning we had the normal breakfast consisting of bread, fruit, pineapple juice, bread, strange cereal, and more bread. Delicioso. Despues desayuno..I mean ..after breakfast..(I've actually been having thoughts in spanish these past few days..) we all boarded the bus and dodged traffic, narrowly escaping certain death as we headed out to a new (''new'' as in, we've never been there before.) little village called Villa Hermosa. In english that means Beautiful Village. It was definitely not a beautiful village. There was trash and all sorts of junk everywhere. It smelled a little funky, too, now that I think about it. When we got there, we were at this little Police Station were we began picking up trash and doing yard work with the amazing Alejandro. I.e., the human weed-wacker. As we went around the park and streets in the area picking up trash, three older men were watching one of the groups, laughing. They just stood there watching and laughing for a while, until they stopped their snickering and started talking and pointing. After a while they brought out a 3 liter bottle of Coke and 4 little cups and gave it to the group they were watching. I just thought that was kinda cool :o) |
Hola from Lima, Peru! After they were finished with the craft, we lined them up by the door and gave them bags of candy on their way out. I hadn't’t seen Stephanie since I put her in her craft group, and found myself looking in the candy line for her. Not seeing her anywhere, I feared that she’d already left without giving me a chance to say a last goodbye. I felt awful, as she’d quickly claimed me as her friend a few days ago, and always ran up to me, never letting go of my hand. Then, I turned back toward the inside of the playground and saw a familiar little girl in pigtails running toward me. ¨Stephanie!¨ I shouted. She ran into my arms and I felt a wave of relief wash over me as I scooped her up into a big hug. She wrapped her little arms around my neck and hugged me back, giving me more kisses. She practically refused to let go, even after I´d set her back down on the ground. I felt torn, hating to see her go but knowing she needed to get out the door. |