August 2nd , 2005
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Leader's Blog:
Not sure where to begin. Today was quite a moving day. Let me give you a glimps into our day.
We headed out to a boys orphanage (ages 6-16). We had our service early in our visit (you know the attention span of boys!) The boys were figity until Kristine gave her testimony (a story with in itself) and you could see the boys intently listening ….hearts were being touched. After the service we played games (and they weren’t board games !)
It turned into who could cream who…..we had a blast (well maybe ask if Bruce can still see out of his right eye.)
Lunch was at the base (the food, all Mexican cuisine, was awesome.) The Team headed out to do food distribution. We were not prepared for what our awesome God had in store for us. An hour drive from base and down a dirt road to what almost anyone would call a trash dump. People living in shacks with animals roaming and I don’t mean dogs and cats. We carried from one to four bags of food to these families. We split into six teams, so more people could share the gospel. It was hot, dry, and dusty and I heard no complaining only compassion.
As we gathered for our service thunder clouds were approaching we prayed for the Lord to hold it off…it barely sprinkled! The pastor we are working with prayed with us over people. Wow how moving (make sure you ask your kids!) I can’t find the word to describe to you! We are learning how to release so much to God and we see his power work when we give him our struggles. Our kids wanted to be prayed over by Alfredo the pastor. How cool! Hard to put into words the experience God gave us today, but I am sure those stories are yet to be told when we get home.
Let me tell you, everyone should be proud of their kids. The camaraderie of the group, their desire to jump into the unknown, the willingness to touch and hug these people. Their desire to show them Christ’s love. God is touching our hearts and lives in big ways. Oh the stories we will have…and it is only Tuesday!
Many of the kids are becoming very good with their Spanish….us “older” kids are a tad slower. Our appreciation for our comforts is growing…things like toilet seats and being able to flush toilet paper. Lot’s of new things…like rockelleto, trolles, Mexican Coka-Cola.
Keep us in your prayers…God is doing great things with us.
Pat, Mathew is being mean to me, he won’t let me bring home the cute donkey we saw today.
All our love to you Gringo’s back home.

Student's Blog:

hola !!!! (*snort* yeah, like i can speak spanish ) wow! what a day it has been, this morning we wnet to a boys refuge center to put on a program and play ball with them. they were all so cute, but you could see the sadness behind their eyes, it was heartbreaking. after the program we had lunch and then went to this destitute village in a local colonial to distribute food and bibles door to door. once the people accepted their food, we invited them to another service that we were putting on in the neighborhood. i met this one woman who looked about 19 who was trying to dig a hole in the gound for her bathroom while trying to entertain her malnourished one year old daughter named jazmine.the whole neighboorhood that we were ministering was so dirty, seriously it looked like the county landfill! its so surrel to see how much they make do with thease little tin shacks that they call home. after the service the pastor of a local church along with our team prayed for what seems like hours for anyone who needed prayer. it was such a powerful experience! what was even more wonderful was the woman who i had met erlier came with her baby and accepted christ and prayed with us! GOD IS GOOD! after that the team went back to the pastors church and had dinner . while we were eating this other girl that i would hang around while we were doing door to door outreach asked me to go and see her house, so i went. as we walked down her street we walked by a little cement block with a tin roof that was her house. its so hard for me not only to see all of the destress around me but to actually have befriended someone who lives under those conditions is so unbeleavably sad. near the end of the time when our team had to go, the girl whos house i visited came up to me and said in broken english "your home is in my heart!"........AAAAAAAAAAWWWWWWWWW!!!! a little earlier she gave me her own errings and i gave her my necklace, its so cool how even though i knew NO spanish and she didin know any english, we still were friends. god is so good! before we went to bed, matthew treated the missions trip to a free "trolley" witch is like a blended frozen icey.YUM! after a long hot dat it was a nice treat. please keep praying for our team that we all contenue to grow spiritually and touch other people . ADIOS!!!!! Joy.

Briefly, we had a full day. First we visited an orphanage for boys, and in the afternoon we shared food with the city's very poorest, those who live within the city dump. We will have full reports up asap.