Saturday, 08/02/2014

Peru Team Day #8

Saturday, August 2nd, 2014

     This Saturday instead of working at the school we went down to Punta Hermosa and worked on some projects down there that needed to be done. When we got there we got to work right away, some of us where varnishing wood, some were painting 110 ceiling tiles, and the rest where working on a roof for a lady that desperately wanted to host a bible study. I was first working on varnishing the wood but then switched over to painting the ceiling tiles. What struck me the most was that during the whole day I never heard anyone complaining even though we were all sweating since the sun came out and it felt like the work was never ending. I am so happy to be apart of such a great team where even in their worst still stay positive. After working for about 2 or 3 hours we took a break for lunch at the park and then went down to the beach. When we got down to the water I just stood there in awe of how amazingly beautiful everything was. The water was so clear and everything was so clean. Right when we got down there some people started to jump in the ocean and after awhile I was eventually persuaded to jump in. Then after that we went back up and finished everything that had to be finished. Even though most of us where sandy wet and cold I still heard no complaining even after all the work that the people did on the roof was torn down and they had to start all over. At the end of the day we were able to paint all the ceiling tiles, varnish all the wood and partially finish the roof. Leaving at the end of the day was hard mostly because at the beginning of the day there was a dog that kept following us around and let us pet him and throughout the whole day would never leave our side, so we named it Ernesto and some of us got a little more attached to it than we should of so saying goodbye to him was hard. All in all it was one of the greatest days I’ve had since I’ve been here and I never want to leave.

~Nicea McCabe