Spot Messenger and KML GPS Page

     The CBSM Mission Team is now using two GPS tracking technologies.

     The team can be tracked almost live (there is a 15 minute delay) with a device we are carrying called a Spot Messenger. It sends a signal to the nearest available GPS satellite, and that message, which contain GPS data about our location, is forwarded to a web site that shows our current location on a map. Depending on terrain and weather, it is usually updated every 10 minutes or so. Click HERE to see the daily Spot Messenger map.

     The second technology we are using is called a GPS logger. It stores our precise location at 10 second intervals. It is very accurate, but it does not transmit signals to a GPS satellite. At the end of a day, the data is transferred to a local computer and is converted into a KML file. A KML is a file format used to display geographic data in an Earth browser such as Google Earth, Google Maps, and Google Maps for mobile
. You can follow our precise path by clicking or downloading each day's KML file. Here is how to use the KML files posted each day.

1. Download Google Earth. It is a fantastic (and free!) program that allows you to virtually travel to practically any spot on earth using your computer or mobile phone.

2. Right-Click with your mouse on one of the links below and choose "save target as".

3. You MAY have to change the file name extension from "xml" to "kml"and then change the"save as type" to "all files". This may be necessary to allow downloading the .kml file from your version of Internet Explorer to your hard drive. Follow these directions in a similar way for other web browsers.

     You have now saved the the .kml file to your hard drive. Double-
Clicking on the .kml file on your hard drive should open Google Earth on your computer. You then can choose Map, Satellite or Hybrid for the viewing format in Google Earth.

     As each days' .kml file becomes available, the background color of that date will change from black to light blue. If at some point we cannot capture the GPS data due to equipment or location,, the date affected will be noted "NOT AVAIL".

Fri, July 30th, 2010
Fri, Aug 6th, 2010
Sat, July 31st, 2010
Sat, Sun, Mon, Aug 7-9th, 2010 NOT AVAIL
Sun, Aug 1st, 2010
Mon, Aug 2nd, 2010
Tues, Aug 3rd, 2010
Wed, Aug 4th, 2010
0730-8010 Spot Mess.KML
Thurs, Aug 5th, 2010
mission_2010_all kml waypoints